Oh, life...and the irony, tragedy, grief, joy, contentment, dismay, love, peace, head-shaking, scream-inducing, laughter-swelling moment it contains...
Yesterday, we had the opportunity to share a meal with my local family, and celebrate Littlest One and Designer Man's birthdays...My Littlest One was born the day before my brother's 40th birthday...quite a special gift for the Favorite Uncle don't you think???
As a result, he graciously allows his celebration to be all things little girl - pink, sparkly, fluffy, and not really at all about him.
I adore him for his selflessness...and for his love and devotion to my kids...
But, I digress...
My folks were there, and we enjoyed a delicious meal of homemade spaghetti, sauce and meatballs, birthday cake, coffee...
As we were doing dishes, my mom asked about Pretty Boy...out of the blue, with no idea as the events which had transpired...
I stood there for a moment, unsure how to answer, whether to even answer...
That wasn't the awkward moment...the awkward moment was when I started sobbing out of the blue.
After telling her all that had happened and how we'd caught up, she calmly announced that he'd been on her heart for the last several months - about the time he'd told me their troubles had started - and that she'd been praying for quite a time for him...
And suddenly my awkward breakdown in my kitchen turned into a beautiful Spirit-filled moment...
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