I realized today that I am celebrating birthdays of at least 15 people this week...My Mom turns 70 on Monday (shhhh...don't tell her I told you that!), my best guy friend turns 37, my other guy friend turns 37, my MIL turns 66, my Aunt turned 68, my oldest brother turns 46, my high school friend turns 34, I've a cousin turning 40, one of my besties from Moms' group turns 40...and that's just the ones that come to mind right off the bat...
Mostly I'm at a loss...I'm just not sure how in the world my Mom is 70...I mean, I just don't feel like I'm old enough to have parents who are "that old" because they don't act like I think a 70 year old should act (I'm not sure what that means precisely...), and because I don't feel old enough to have parents that are "that old"...
And then I realized that my kids are most likely going to say the same thing some day...because God, in His wisdom, arranged things in a way that I'd not be married until I was 26, and not have my first baby til I was 30, well...that means that when my oldest is the same age I am now, I'll be turning 67...and when my youngest is the age I am now, I'll be the one turning 70...
I espouse the fact that age is simply a number - it merely allows you to babysit, drive a car on the streets legally, vote, register for the selective services, pay taxes, buy and consume tobacco and alcohol products legally, get a discount on your insurance, gamble, and later in life, qualify for discounts at restaurants and the like...how old you are is all about how you think, feel, and the activities in which you participate.
And I don't mean living it up like a frat boy...I mean, do you feel like you're the age you are? Do you engage your mind and body in activities to keep agile, at the top of your game (whatever game it may be)?
I know a guy in my City who just turned 64 - and won a skateboarding tournament...last month!
We just had the Octogenarian Open at our local golf course, and the guy who won it was the youngest male player at 87.
Our paper featured in the Lifestyle section a family with 3 generations of members at our YMCA - the oldest turned 94 last week and is a WWII veteran. His grandson is entering his Senior Year of High School...
So, what will you do this year, this summer, this month, today that will keep you young at heart?
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