Daisypath Anniversary tickers

May 23, 2009

Yippee Skippee

Well...around here, it is Graduation Day for all of the High Schools in the City. Yup...that's right...at 4 (at minimum) locations, there are family members gathered, with cameras, flowers, lawn chairs, blankets, and smiles watching their sons and daughters, cousins, nieces, nephews, granddaughters and grandsons, neighbors, and friends graduate from high school.

All I have to say about that is "yippee skippee". You see...this year, I just don't have a vested interest...yes, I'm thrilled that there are students who made it through out District's curriculum with high enough grades to be released to the "freedom" of adult life.

It is just hard for me to get excited about the ceremony when I know firsthand how the standards of education have fallen in our area...

EH...it is what it is, and right now, I have bigger fish to fry.

Today, BB and my Daddy are attending Day 2 of an auction of antique tools, Mom is ensconced in some quilting project or another. My housework is done (I did it all earlier in the week so we could do something as a family this holiday weekend), the laundry is caught up, folded, and put away. Tiny Princess is sleeping. We're currently watching The Jungle Book and Captain Chaos is sitting next to me.

It is gray and yucky outside. I actually tuned the heat back on...yuck!

I am a little upset about the auction, because BB was gone from 7:30 yesterday morning until 11 last night, and was gone again by 9 this morning. He doesn't know how long he'll be gone.

I have no errands to run...I have no housework to do. All the yard work that I can do is done.

I am sitting here, twiddling my thumbs wondering what to do, and trying not to eat out of boredom...


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