Daisypath Anniversary tickers

March 31, 2009


To wallow in the television set, that is...

You may remember the curious affair of "The DVR That Bit The Dust"...it was a normal week, until...suddenly...it wouldn't work!

OK...we got our new one Friday, got all caught up on our DVR'd episodes of Prime Time programming (that was a lot of TV watching my friends), and hooked it up on Sunday night around, oh midnight...

I was awakened early Monday morning by Tiny Princess, who had rebelled against table food the prior day, and was, therefore, starving! She got her breakfast, and I immediately sat down to play and fold laundry, and found out why I really don't turn it on for myself in the mornings...at all...

I was sucked into the programming on Soap...I love that channel...I can watch all of my favorite soap operas all day long! Ones from the past, current ones...ones that I was a total closet fan of in their heyday and now can watch in the comfort of my home, wearing jammies, and NOT having had to skip school or call in sick to do so!

OY!!!!!!! Today, I was so glad that the neighbor girl, Ice Princess, was coming over to have me help with her makeup (she's got a competition this weekend) at 9. I, therefore, was up, showered, dressed, combed, primped, and fed by 7:30. I had emptied the trash and recycling, brought in the milk delivery, the newspaper, and had actually swept and mopped my kitchen floor, started defrosting chicken to cook for tonight's meal (we're having soup, cornbread and salad), and had thrown in a load of laundry. I had also stripped one wall of wall-paper, and patched it before she arrived...

After she left, Tiny Princess went for her morning nap, Captain Chaos was happily playing cars with the sounds of Curi.ous Geor.ge in the background, and it was all I could do to finish cleaning up the house (vacuumed the carpets, dusted the furniture, and scrubbed one bathroom), and not sit down to commandeer the remote control...

I am returning to the room with wall-paper in about another 3 minutes, after I put Captain down for his nap...and I will not turn on the tube to something I enjoy, like NCIS...I am determined to complete my studies and take several quizzes (I've been "banking" them for some reason), and get as much wall-paper down as I humany can in the hours of nap-time.

I'm tired...I'd forgotten how much being on my cycle drains my energy levels...I just want to curl up with a book and take a nap for several hours...

SIGH...alas, my work will not wait, especially as I put it off most of the weekend...

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