Daisypath Anniversary tickers

April 22, 2008

This and That

Not that any of my prior posts are ever really ordered, today is definitely just a bunch of bits and pieces.

I spent the morning at church with my Moms' group, and we had a professional decorator come in and share with us some faux finish tips that are easy to do. She taught us how to "suede" our walls. I must say that it is much easier in real life than it appears on those decorating shows. Now that I'm totally inspired to decorate, I have no budget for paint! YIKES! That makes me sad...

I'm also a bit perturbed...our housekeeper still has NOT returned any of my phone calls. I'm a bit miffed as I totally rearranged my schedule last Tuesday for her to be here, and then spent the entire afternoon, which I had planned to go do some fun things, cleaning my house, and had to play catch up the entire rest of the week. Of course, part of that was also due to my friend's funeral, but it was different somehow to have been stood up by someone I hired. I mean, she would charge me if she showed up and couldn't get into my house, but I have to sit around and wait and get no phone call? Grrrr... Although, I suppose that perhaps something happened and she couldn't show up or call because of that, but don't you think someone would have checked her business voice mails and called her clients???? BB wants me to call her several more times and then decide what we'll be doing about it next week, after her scheduled date.

Captain Chaos is still sporting a stuffy nose, and a cranky disposition, but is eating real food again. Tiny Princess has had a snotty nose on and off for the last several days and is currently sleeping. Her brother is watching a DVD of Veggie Tales on TV and eating from my bowl of Goldfish crackers.

BB is at work, busting his hump on his self-appraisal and several other projects, along with trying to figure out how to diplomatically handle a rather unnecessary and sort of stupid situation involving a co-worker. My fear is that said co-worker is attempting to make himself look good, and all the others involved look dumb and uncooperative...

It is sunny, and almost 75 degrees outside, and my garden is greening up quite nicely. I am jonesing to get out and get my hands dirty...

We're having Teriyaki Chicken and Grilled Pineapple over brown rice tonight.

BB was told about a month ago that he has high cholesterol and we're currently on a diet to avoid his being on medication...do you know how frustrating it is to have to count carbohydrates while you're nursing and hungry all the time? And then to be told that you're selfish for wondering if you should increase said carb count or talk to the dietitian to insure that I'm not doing some potentially dangerous thing to my health or that of Tiny Princess? Grrrrrr...

All in all, however, it's been a much better day today than any we had last week.

Our TiVo is functioning quite nicely.

We found a great new show on FitTV - Healthy Decadence with Devin Alexander. I highly recommend checking her out, or going to DiscoveryHealth.com (sorry, to lazy to put in links today...) She is awesome, and I cannot wait to check out her newest recipes...last night she made meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting...and it was only a 750 calorie meal with like 30 grams of total fat, most of which was the "good" kind...I was totally impressed...and it looked really good. Then, on the next episode, she made Thai Peanut Noodle Salad with chicken, California Rolls, and a Strawberry Angel Trifle...mmmmmmm...anything that lets me eat real food and dessert but still lose weight is all right with me!

Well, I'm off to check out more recipes...perhaps I'll post some on Wha'cha Got Cookin' to inspire some summer grilling frenzies to begin...

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