This last week or two, there's been a distinct chill in the air when I wake up...the air is scented with Fall. I know that if you live someplace without a "real" Fall, you don't know what I'm talking about...but I simply adore the changing of Summer to Fall...
I love watching the way the leaves start to slowly change colors - we're lucky in our yard to have a Cherry, Crabapple, Cottonwood, Linden, and 2 Autumn Blaze Maple Trees. Oh, and a stand of Aspen each year, we get to watch our lovely Cherry go from that gorgeous deep purply red to brown, and then the Crab, Cottonwood and Lindens turn to yellowy and then to that wonderful leathery brown...but my favorite, OH! my favorite is to watch the deep green of my Maples start to turn vibrant red at the tips, and each morning, I can see the red spread further into the leaves, until every single leaf on those trees is a blazing red - catching the sun, reflecting a rosy hue onto my house...And I cannot forget the Aspen. If you've never seen as Aspen change, I highly recommend you get yourself to a location with Aspen trees about this time next year...there's nothing more glorious than a drive up the winding canyon roads, with soaring mountainsides around you - covered in the hazy green of Colorado Blue Spruce interspersed with stands of Aspen trees, that this time of year turn an almost indescribable gold...when the sun hits just perfectly, it is breathtaking - it leaves no doubt as to the glory of our Creator...
And the smell - just a hint of Winter cold teasing your nose, you can see your breath, and there's a stillness...something that is missing in the Spring and Summer...even the birds and squirrels are content to stay snuggled in their beds until the chill is gone from the air, so there's little chirping or squeaking...the dew still lays heavy on the grass, making it sparkle like diamonds as the sun strikes it...
And my gardens - the flowers are starting to get one last round of blossoms, in defiance of the cooler air, they are more vibrant, more lush...and my vegetables are still growing - the corn is harvested - our first crop, and mighty good if I do say so myself, the last tomato flowers are finally fruit - getting more red every day, and my squash vines are slowly starting to wither...the zucchini are done (I stripped many blossoms this summer because we had plenty, and our local food bank won't take garden produce), the pumpkins lay, a bright spot against the green foliage, the last of the summer squash turning yellow, my acorns a pleasant dark green nestled in their box, and the butternut squash a mix of cream and muddy yellows...I can get away with mowing once a week, and the noise from the playground is diminished to 3 times a day...
I can wear jeans all day long and not over heat, and I can enjoy a steaming hot drink and not get strange looks from people...
All that's missing is the first frost, which I'm almost ready for...just a few more weeks...if we can just hold on until October for our first frost, I will be quite content...
It's time to take down the cute summery items in my house, and bring out my Fall items - and warm the house with the vibrant reds, oranges, golds, and deep browns of candles, wreaths, blankets and door hangers...
I'm already planning Christmas items and have several fun things tucked away to be opened...and the best part is that we'll be here for Christmas this year...I'll get home from my in-laws' the Monday after Thanksgiving, and once we're settled, will begin to put away the Fall decorations, and take out Christmas - the scented pine cones, the tree, lights, wreaths, garlands, and will ready my Advent Calendar. This year, we'll have little notes with Scriptures to read, and a little physical reminder of the season. I will set up my "real" Nativity scene this year, and will delight in watching the kids play with their Fisher Price Little People set - and am excited to see just who else will journey to FP Bethlehem - last year we had Transformers, and Princesses...but they were all reverent and excited to see Baby Jesus in the manger...
I'm making Pumpkin Bread tonight...and will greet BB with my first pie of the season...his favorite...and some hot apple cider...
This weekend, we head to a special place for a belated Anniversary getaway (as I mentioned earlier this week), and I'm ecstatic - we're playing golf, we're hiking, we're eating in restaurants that don't even HAVE children's menus...and while I'll miss my children immensely, I'm so thrilled at the prospect of 24 full hours alone with BB to do what we want to do, with limited interruptions for bathroom breaks and drink refills...
Oh Fall, I'm ready - be here when we get back on Sunday night!!!
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