Sadly, it is one I do not posess in great quantities...
This week, we've been packing, moving, hauling, schlepping, dragging, dusting, scrubbing, vacuuming, sweeping, mopping, washing, drying, laundering, folding, potty training, cleaning, tucking in, and almost single parenting...
BB's got a customer at work that is very unhappy with their product, and he's part of the solution team...that means late nights, early mornings, lots of meetings, little progress, and a very mentally exhausted husband that has a shorter fuse than usual, is expecting much more of me and the kids...which is making me stressed out...
As he's working on this solution, we've been preparing for our painter to come and do about 90% of our interior walls and ceilings. They haven't been painted since before we moved like 2 we've got 12 year old paint that wasn't superbly applied to begin with, in a not-quite-flat finish, so it's dry and flaking, I can't wash anything off without removing paint too...
Since we began our "Summer of Projects" I feel as though we're living out of boxes and suitcases, covered in dust and debris...everything is topsy-turvy, and crazy, and discombobulated and...
I'm apparently more of a control freak than I realized...I mean, I realized that I like things orderly, a place for everything, and everything in its place, but I had no idea that when things weren't in their place it would drive me absolutely batty...
I've been irritable, short-tempered, stressed out...can't sleep, having trouble focusing...
Sheesh, I'm a hot mess...
My living room is currently shoved into the middle of the room, furniture piled on itself, chairs upside down, book cases emptied and forlorn, my piano unreachable. My dining room table and chairs are moved, my china cabinet is empty on top, and haphazardly positioned away from the walls, our family room is emptied of all books, DVDs, toys, clothes, blankets, photos, even the area rug is rolled up and in my basement...all our walls are bare, sporting spots of spackling from locations we've patched...
BB's office is stuffed to the gills with boxes of books and DVDs, our basement is randomly piled with construction materials, boxes of fragile decorative items, furniture...outgrown clothes are in trash bags awaiting new homes not here...
My grass is too tall and shaggy-looking, my veggie garden is burgeoning with produce in need of harvest...I can't put anything up because my canning supplies are in the back of BB's office...
Littlest One has been sporting a nasty cold for 4 full weeks, and has recently started that rattly wet cough that indicates a chest infection...Captain is raspy and congested, Princess is starting a growth spurt and terribly clumsy which results in lots of stubbed toes and bonked elbows, and a cranky girl...I'm starting to feel a sore throat...
And I feel like I can't take a morning to sleep in because winter is coming and we've so much yet to do...
Please be praying...I know these are such little problems compared to a friend's daughter going through chemo, a friend who lost a father to cancer (that was also my favorite Coach from High School), a friend is dealing with a miscarriage, another is losing her mother...
but you know what? Right now, my mountain seems unscalable, and I just want to curl up in bed and sleep...
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