Daisypath Anniversary tickers

October 23, 2008

I Think I Need Therapy

I have decided that I am, indeed a Control Freak. Notice the capital letters there? Yup...I'm not just controlling...I am, and have been for a looooong time, a Control Freak. How do I know this, you ask?

Well, let me tell you...I am the "Hospitality Coordinator" for the Moms' Group I attend. This means that I am responsible to insure that we have things like plates, cups, napkins, coffee, utensils, and that our room has the appropriate items needed for special guest speakers, crafts, treats and the like. Basically, I am the "room mom" for our group...I send a lot of emails, asking for help, explaining any special things that need doing, but know that the same 4 ladies will be there meeting after meeting to make the coffee, put on tablecloths, and lay out items such as forks and knives for our buffet style brunch.

There have been some changes that I instituted this year. Nothing major, just some things that make it faster and easier to set up and take down our room each time. We have now had a total of 4 meetings, and each time, one of my helpers has something on which she comments at great length. It is usually the "why can't they just use the things we have out there?" sort of grumbling, but today it really irked me...

I have shown up every meeting at 9am, no small feat as those of you with little ones know, dropped off children at the provided childcare rooms based on age, booked back down the hall to my room, to insure that someone remembered to get the coffee brewing, and that things are underway. I have stayed an hour or more after each meeting to insure that things are cleaned up, and that we leave the kitchen and our room in better condition than we found it...you know, all the things your own mother may have shared with you as you were growing up...

I almost, almost let her have it. I so wanted to go off about how she's brand new to our group and how dare she start ripping people up and down because they aren't setting things up her way...

But I digress...I wanted to say that I am such a Control Freak that this morning, I actually went around at 5 minutes before the meeting straightening out the tablecloths, arranging the centerpieces, smoothing the stack of napkins, and rearranging the food dishes on the table. SIGH...

And then, when I knew we had something a little different for our next meeting, I immediately got home and sent out an email detailing the changes so there won't be any "surprises" at the next meeting...

I mean, don't you think I could just relax and go with the flow?

More examples...we got home from the meeting today and I:
  • Put the baby in her bed for a nap
  • Took off Captain Chaos' shoes so he wouldn't track anything on the clean carpet
  • Settled him with his lunch, at the table, safely in the kitchen so he won't spill any food
  • Loaded the dishwasher
  • Cleaned my sink
  • Scrubbed my counters
  • Swept my floor
  • Started the dryer for 20 minutes after spraying the clothes lightly with water, because I hadn't had time to remove them before we left this morning
  • Straightened the throw pillows on the couch, and
  • Put the toys away in a certain order in the basket
See what I mean?!?!?!?!?! HOLY COW!!!!!!

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