Daisypath Anniversary tickers

October 28, 2008

Share and Tell

I am really digging deep into my memories and recipe boxes today...you see my Moms' group has decided to put together a Holiday Book that includes recipes and our favorite tradition...to help each other have some new ideas and food to incorporate into our celebrations...

I have a ton of memories swirling around my cluttered mind, but to pick just one and commit it to paper for a group of mostly strangers is sort of intimidating to me.

Now, if you know me, you're thinking, "Pshaw! Intimidated?!?!? Kork? Not bloody likely!", or something along those lines.

Well, let me tell you, I guard most of my deepest passions and keep them close. So, to ask me to share something that has stuck with me from the time I was little, and is something I now share with my husband and children...I just don't know about that...

The recipe is not such an issue of sharing my deepest heart with people, but rather narrowing it down to just one stinking recipe! I'm trying to think of something that is unique to my family that doesn't give away the family's secret recipe...which we have several of, by the way...

SO...in an effort to procrastinate a decision, I'm asking you to share a tradition and recipe with me that your family does at holiday time.

And I absolutely have to make the Shortbread...I looked at that picture about 87 times yesterday while I was logged on, and know without a doubt that it shall surpass the Walker brand that I occasionally indulge in...and I shall be my father's hero.

Oh, and if you are going to ask if I'm going to share something here about MY traditions, you didn't read closely enough. So there! PBTH!

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