Some days, I have so many things rattling around my head: thoughts, ideas, conversations with people that most likely will never occur...and this idea that I have to be a certain way, meet certain expectations, live up to this idea that people have formed of me...
And lately, I just can't handle the idea of all the potential trouble that would come of my comments being made...
I just don't have the energy these days. I still care, I still have this desire to be strong and stand for that which I believe...I just can't do it right now in a way that's confrontational...
I don't know what's going on, but somehow, in light of the people I know going through things that are much more damaging and long-term than my frustration with how people are angry and surprised when a devout Catholic says he's pro-life, and that includes no abortion in cases of rape...or when a professed for decades owner of fast food says they're against marriage of homosexuality...or when politicians say they don't want to have contraception be something employers should have to pay for if it's against their beliefs...
I just can't handle people saying (or posting) things that are unfounded, uneducated...
And with that, I'm afraid my hiatus may be longish...we shall see...
In the meantime, please know that I'm still here, going through life...just doing it on the downlow for a while.
1 comment:
I am so with ya! somedays I want everyone to just do it and think it my way and be done with it! LOL fat chance, huh? my head hurts sometimes from all the comments I want to make but shouldn't make in public..maybe I need to get back to journaling..then I get it all out but no one see it!!
take care..have a great day!
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